NonStop ASAP Downloads

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If you have questions about ASAP or downloads, contact support

ASAP 3.2 Component  60 Day Trial copy Softdoc,  Readme, and Manual

HSE30V3 H-series
QSE30V3 J-series
BE259AC L-series

Asap 3.2 Client 3.2.2112 Setup.exe
For 32/64-bit Windows 7, 2008, Vista, XP
includes SSL compatible CSG 3.3.22
Last update - Feb 1, 2012 +

Asap 3.2 Client Readme
Asap 3.2 Client Softdoc
Asap 3.2 Client Manual

HSE30V3 H-series
QSE30V3 J-series
BE259AC L-series

Asap 3.2.6 H-Server PAK.100 Hxx/Jxx OS
Last update - Nov 1, 2017
Asap 3.2.6 L-Server PAK.100 L-series OS
Last update - Nov 1, 2017 +
Asap 3.2.6 Server Softdoc


Asap 3.0 G-Extension PAK.100 Gxx/Dxx OS
Asap 3.0 H-Extension PAK.100 Hxx/Jxx OS
Last update - March 10, 2010 (logon)
Asap 3.0 Extension Softdoc.txt
Smart Plug-In
SPIForASAPSetup.exe runs on all clients
Last update - June 21, 2004
SPI Update see OVO SPI Update.txt
Last update - May 16, 2005
OVO SPI for ASAP Readme.txt
OVO SPI for ASAP Ref.doc
OVO SPI for ASAP Ref.pdf
OVO SPI Update.txt
SE33V1 and SE34V1
Contact support for info about ASAP Hybrid for Linux software. ReadMe - Linux.txt
ReadMe - NonStop.txt
Softdoc - Linux.txt
Softdoc - NonStop.txt
ASAP Hybrid Manual.pdf

Getting Started


Depending on your area of interest, you should download components as follows:

1) ASAP Core software - The vast majority of ASAP functionality is contained in standard ASAP Core software. Both ASAP Server and Client components are included in ASAP Core. To get started using ASAP, Download the client and server via the hyperlinks above. First focus on installing and running ASAP Server on one or more of your NonStop servers.  Then install and run ASAP Client on Windows workstations.

2) ASAP API Extension - If you are interested in application monitoring on NonStop servers, first perform step one above, then download and install the ASAP Extension API to get started with ASAP application monitoring on NonStop.

3) ASAP Hybrid - If you are interested in application monitoring on Linux, first perform step one above, then download and install the ASAP Hybrid package to get started with ASAP application monitoring on Linux.

4) ASAP OpenView SPI - If you are interested ASAP statistics in HP Operations (formerly HP OpenView), first perform step one above, then download the OpenView SPI for ASAP Smart Plug-In.

To be clear, no matter which aspect of ASAP you wish to investigate, step 1 above must be performed first.

Server Upload

First focus on installing ASAP Server on your NonStop servers.   To do this, first determine where you want to have your ASAP database. ASAP has the capability to monitor multiple nodes and provide an integrated view of all of your nodes collectively. So first determine your ASAP database node. Then upload and install ASAP server on that node as follows:

1) Go to

2) Select the Asap Server link to download the ASAP PAK file to your PC.

3) Upload ASAP Server PAK file to your nonstop server.

4) Name the uploaded PAK file with a name such as ASAPPAK.100

5) Make sure the uploaded file ASAPPAK has a file code 100

6) Run the uploaded ASAPPAK file from TACL to unpak ASAP files.
    You can either unpack using a simple TACL > RUN ASAPPAK, or you can
    more closely control location and security ownership of unpak files with:
    RUN ASAPPAK,*.*.*, LISTALL, OPEN, MYID, VOL $<vol>.<subvol>

7) To obtain a run license; TACL 1> RUN SYSINFO on each system to
    be licensed and email the SYSINFO output for each desired system
    TO: License.Manager@HPE.Com

Server Install

Once the UNPAK has completed, from a TACL prompt, volume to the un-PAK-ed subvolume and do the following:

When the
AsapInstall utility appears do the following
(note the Asap Install utility is a block mode 6530 utility).

1) Follow the prompts to perform the install:
2) Select Full Install on this node
3) Fill out various configuration fields
4) Cursor to START FULL INSTALL and press return.

Once the "Full Install on this node" has completed, you can optionally
install ASAP on remote nodes using the Remote Monitor Install.
Once you are done installing, select EXIT and Save Log to save
the install log and to exit the install utility.  For more information,
see the ASAP Server manual.

You can also have ASAP forward EMS events as SNMP Traps to SNMP
agents. For a detailed explanation how to do this ref: ASAP EMS Traps.


Once the install has completed, use the ASAP Wizard utility to configure your $System.System.ASAPCONF file. The ASAPCONF file contains ASAP configuration info indicating which entities you want enabled and various database settings.

To run ASAP Wizard, do the following:
1) RUN ASAPWIZ and follow prompts in ASAPWIZ to configure ASAPCONF.

You can view ASAP stats using entity commands such as Cpu, Disk, File, Lh, Node, Process, ProcessBusy, RDF, Spooler, Tape, TMF, TCP, TMF, ... You can also Startup, Status, or Shutdown ASAP using commands from the ASAP command interpreter. To use the ASAP command interpreter enter ASAP from a TACL prompt as shown below. There is also a full featured interactive progressive HELP command.

ASAP - Availability Stats and Performance - T0402H03.02 (01FEB2012)
Copyright (C) 1999, 2001-2012 Hewlett-Packard Company

ASAP Client

ASAP Client has a wide-range of uses from ad-hoc graphical viewing and analysis of availability stats and performance of your NonStop servers, to continuous 7x24 monitoring with rich color-coded HTML alerts and reports via email notifications about your NonStop servers. Once you have ASAP server configured and started, and you have ASAP data using the ASAP CPU command, download the ASAP Client to your workstation from, and run the ASAP Client setup.  Follow the prompts and once setup has completed do the following:

Configure the CSG (you only need to do this once).
1) In the Windows task bar, select START... Programs...
2) Select Tandem CSG
3) Select CSG to start the client server gateway
4) When the CSG configuration dialog appears
5) Select the TCP/IP tab and enter your host Name or TCP/IP address.
6) Select the Session Tab and click the Reset Security button.
7) Click OK
8) Select File... Start Session... or click the Start/Stop Host Session toolbar button
9) When the CSG Logon dialog appears, enter User Name and Password and click Ok.

When the CSG host session is established start ASAP Client as follows:
1) In the Windows task bar, select START... Programs...
2) Select Tandem ASAP
3) Select ASAP to start the ASAP client
4) When the ASAP About box appears
5) Click Connect to connect to the ASAP server.

ASAP Client provides both basic and advanced functions. Depending on your area of interest, you may learn the interface in just a few hours, or if you wish to utilize advanced features, it may take a little more time to learn its full capabilities.  For starters, pay particular attention to the drop-downs and toolbar-buttons across the top of the main client window.  Context sensitive help is available throughout the Client.  Advanced functions include continuous 7x24 lights-out monitoring with automatic email reporting and notification about your NonStop servers. 

For information about how to setup ASAP Client for continuous lights-out operation select Client 7x24 lights-out. For info regarding CSG Support files within 32-bit container CsgSupp.exe, select and download CsgSupp

Tree View

You can enable a hierarchical view of your server objects by enabling the OIL Tree View. To do this do the following:

1) Select View... Options...
2) Click the OIL Tab
3) Check the Object Integration Layer checkbox
4) Check the Populate OIL with Objects checkbox
5) Click OK

Open Enterprise Management View

You can enable a sorted view of object alerts by enabling the OEM. To do this do the following:

1) Select View... Options...
2) Click the OEM Tab
3) Check the Open Enterprise Management checkbox
4) Click OK

Entities, Alerts, Email, Pagers, Phone messages

You can control which entities and attributes are monitored by each ASAP Client with the ASAP Entity and Attribute property sheet tabs. You can also use the ASAP Properties window to configure email, phone, and pager notifications. For more information, see the ASAP Client manual. Alternatively you may also contact ASAP Support.

Website Reports

Beginning with ASAP 3.0 you can configure ASAP to maintain one or more live websites.  ASAP websites can be standalone, or can appear as part of a customer website, or can optionally be integrated with HP SIM. Live report content of any ASAP website profile is configured by the Notify control panel. For more information, see Notify control panel in the ASAP Client manual in the HP NonStop Technical Library at

SIM - Systems Insight Manager

Beginning with ASAP 3.0 you can access ASAP from HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM).  The SIM interface to ASAP is included with ASAP for no additional charge. It optionally allows you to view ASAP object-state information from SIM, but does not require SIM for you to use or deploy ASAP.  Thus ASAP can be used with or without SIM.  For more about this interface, see the SIM Checkbox in the NOTIFY control panel section of the ASAP Client manual. 

OVO - OpenView Operations

You can use the HP OpenView Smart Plug-In (SPI) for ASAP to monitor NonStop systems, subsystems, applications, and third party entities from HP OpenView.  The OpenView SPI for ASAP is included with ASAP for no additional charge. It optionally allows you to share ASAP object-state information with HP OpenView, but does not require OpenView for you to use or deploy ASAP.  Thus ASAP can be used with or without OpenView.  For more about this interface, see the ASAP OpenView Smart Plug-In in the HP  Or if you already have OpenView, download the OpenView SPI for ASAP setup and follow the directions contained in the OpenView SPI for ASAP manual. 


ASAP QuickStart, Client, Server, Extension, Hybrid, Messages, OpenView SPI, and SIM interfaces are documented in ASAP manuals at or in the PDF files contained in the download table at the top of this page.

Questions/comments - support
Lastmod: June 14, 2019