ASAP Hybrid Installation

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Installing ASAP Hybrid for NonStop Server

1. Save the ASAP Hybrid PAK.100 file to your local workstation.
2. ftp (binary) the ASAP Hybrid PAK.100 file to an NSK Server as $[ISV volume].ZASAPH.T0404V01 (where [ISV volume] is replaced by a volume name on your NSK server).
3. Logon to the NSK server and VOLUME to $[ISV volume].ZASAPH.
4. FUP ALTER T0404V01, CODE 100
5. RUN T0404V01, *.*.*, LISTALL, MYID, VOLUME $[ISV volume].ZASAPH
6. RUN INSTALL and answer the installer's questions to install ASAP Hybrid onto $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.
7. Add "SET PROXY ON" to the ASAPCONF configuration file if you have not already done so.
8. Edit $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ASAPGCNF and change the name of the TCPIP process and port if necessary.
9. Edit $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ASAPTCNF and change the name or processor for the Gateway process is necessary.
10. Restart ASAP.
11. Watch EMS for any errors that might get reported at startup.

Installing ASAP Hybrid Extension for Linux

1. Save the asaphybridforlinux.1.0.8.tar.gz archive file to the Linux system. The file can be copied to any directory to which you have access, but ideally the directory should be empty and should be named appropriately (for example, asaphybrid.1.0.8).

2. Extract the files contained in the archive using the tar command with the -xzvf options. For example:
      tar -xzvf asaphybridforlinux.1.0.8.tar.gz
This will create five subdirectories within the installation directory: bin, doc, include, lib, and sample, and place the appropriate files in them.

3. You can leave the files in these locations, which is the recommended approach. This makes it easier to manage the ASAP Hybrid file set, and simplifies the process of upgrading to newer versions of ASAP Hybrid as they are released. However, you can move the files to the standard Linux locations (/usr/include for the header file, /usr/lib for library files, etc.) or any other location if you’d prefer. This is perfectly acceptable; the only restrictions are:
- The server configuration file (asap.conf), if you choose to create one, must reside in the same directory as the Linux server executable (asapxserver.1.0.8). The server reads this configuration file at startup, and expects to find it in the same directory as the program executable.
- The directory containing the Linux server executable must be secured such that files can be created and written in that directory. The server can optionally create files at run time, including log files, trace files, and domain status files. These will be located in the same directory as the program executable.
- Both asapremove* files must be located in the same directory.
- Both asapxserver* files must be located in the same directory.
- The three libasapx.a.* files must be located in the same directory.
- The three* files must be located in the same directory.
- The three libasapx64.a.* files must be located in the same directory.
- The three* files must be located in the same directory.

For more details on installation options, see the appropriate ReadMe.txt or Softdoc.txt file, or consult the ASAP Hybrid manual.

Questions or comments - Support@NonStopAsap.Com
Last mod: Feb 4, 2005