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ASAP Tools, Wrappers, Source

The Customer Contributions page contains tools, wrappers, and 
shared code contributed by various ASAP users and customers.

NonStop Java mBean to ASAPX Agent

The Java virtual machine exposes metrics through platform mBeans.  
An mBean is java class that holds metric information.   Platform mBeans
hold metric information about the operation of the JVM. Application
developers can create additional mBeans for exposing application metrics.

This agent picks up platform mBeans for a JVM process and sends them
to ASAPX providing a way to monitor JVM internal workings on NonStop
systems where numerous JVMs can be running, does this with low
overhead,  and for extended run times.  ASAP alerting strategies can be
used to inform operators should preset thresholds be exceeded. 

Link Description
ASAPJMX.docx Java mBean ASAPX Agent


ASAP - Data Base Administrator - DBA 

ASAP DBA administers, analyzes, aggregates, sorts, merges, & loads
ASAP database history from daily ASAP ZMMDD* files into a single
compacted long-term multi-day ASAP DB history file.

ASAP DBA provides significant data reduction of ASAP long-term history
using record-compression, hourly-aggregation, and time-of-day filtering.
As a result, instead of 1440 records/object/day, data can be reduced to
24 records/object/day or less in the ASAP DB resulting in 200x-5000x
improvement in database performance of long term historical statistics.

ASAP DBA sorts & merges multi-day DB files into a single historical DB file
suitable for long-term analysis. DBA can combine many days of DB files
into one long-term DB file allowing long-term analysis. DBA History is saved
in the ASAPDB subvol with an "H" suffix. For example, Cpu or Disk History
is saved as DBCpuH and DBDskH along-side your DBCpu and DBDsk files.

DBA prompts you for Entity, Date, Time, Days, Hours, and Node options..

Link Description
AsapDBA.doc ASAP DBA Overview
AsapDBA.txt TACL Macro to run Asap DBA
AsapDBee.txt Script used by the Asap DBA
DbCpuhQ.txt CPU History ENFORM Query
DbDskhQ.txt DISK History ENFORM Query


ASAP Pathway plug-in

The ASAP Pathway plug-in (also known as TS/MP plug-in) provides
infrastructure for monitoring Availability, Statistics, and Performance
of the Pathway subsystem. This allows ASAP service level objectives,
goals, and actions to be defined so that alerting and automated
operations can be provided for pathway properties. Pathway provides
server class management and facilitates massively-parallel application
super-scaling.  Pathway is used by middleware and application products
running on NonStop.

Link Description
ASAPPWYD.doc ASAP Pathway Doc
ASAPPWYP.1729 PAK file update 2014-3-13

MQ Agent Code Example

The MQ Agent code example provides sample code demonstrating
how to build an agent to monitor your MQ subsystem, as well as ideas
on key metrics to collect.

This is not a complete agent, but provides a starting point towards
building an agent tailored to your specific environment.

Link Description
MQAgent.doc Overview of example code
MQMAgt2.c Example source code (in C)

ASNAP - ASAP Snap shot utility


ASNAP is an ASAP utility that takes a snap-shot of your NonStop
server configuration and generates ASAP service-level GOAL and
ACTION statements based on current server configuration values.
For example the NonStop Disk subsystem has properties such as
the primary Cpu number for each disk process, the percent full,
the largest fragment, and the Primary and Mirror controller paths.
High availability computer operations environments typically will
establish nominal values for such properties, and then monitor
the environment for variations from nominal values. ASNAP uses
current values as a base line for these properties and generates
service-level goals and automated actions based on these values. 
When ASNAP is executed, subsystem property values are analyzed
and ASAP GOAL and ACTION statements are auto-generated and
stored into a series of simple OBEY files.  These OBEY file GOALs
can then be edited and used to assert service-level goals/actions.
Thus, ASNAP provides a simple way to capture system settings
and generate service level GOALs and ACTIONs based on your
current NonStop server settings. This is especially useful in large
disk “farm” environments where 100s/1000s of disk volumes exist. 
The new version of ASNAP also captures Comm subsystem config
settings and translates these into ASAP GOAL and/or ACTION
statements. See also GoalCmm and GoalDsk OBEY files below.

Link Description
ReadMe.txt ASNAP Read Me file
GoalDisk.txt Example Disk Goals/Actions
GoalCmm.txt Example Comm Goals/Actions
ASNAP.100 Object file


ASAPWiz is an easy to use question and answer style wizard that 
automatically generates an ASAPCONF file based on your answers 
to a list of questions.  Note that beginning with ASAP 2.5 ASAPWIZ
is now automatically included and installed.  Thus you only need
to download the following if you are running a version prior to 2.5

Link Description

ASAP Database Calculator

The ASAP DB Calc spreadsheet provides a quick sizing estimate
of the total daily database requirement for a given set of objects
and entity types.  Note computes largest possible size, actual
DB size may be significantly smaller.

Link Description
ASAP DB Calc.xls ASAP Database Calculator

HTML rendering class

This contribution is a standalone HTML rendering class that
can be used to emit/render HTML using various methods. 
Features include 1) Automatic string/rendering management,
2) Dual streams automatically maintained, one is an HTML string
named HTML.zHTML and a second is in plain text string, named
HTML.zTEXT.  Thus the resultant output of this rendering engine
can be used for both web and plain text applications.

Link Description
HTML HTML rendering engine

Conventional ASAPX API wrapper

ASAPX wrapper procedures provide encapsulation of application 
domain instrumentation using the ASAP Extension API.

A high-level wrapper API provides consistent error-recovery, 
throttling, and online ASAP replacement.  Using a wrapper API 
provides encapsulated and controlled behavior of the application
interface to ASAP. 


Both documentation containing the description of these API's as 
well as wrapper source code for the actual APIs are provided. 
Although the APIs do represent production code, they are merely
provided as an example for your own implementation specific 
wrappers. No warranty is implied by the contributors.

Link Description
ASAPX Wrapper.doc Rabo Wrapper DOC
ASAPX Wrapper.pdf Rabo Wrapper PDF
ASAPX Wrapper PAK.100 Rabo Library (Logon Required)

Java Native Interface ASAPX API wrapper

JavaWrap.doc/pdf: provides an overview of how to implement 
Java Native Interfaces to ASAPX.  


JavaWrap_Asapx.pax: Pax archive contains complete set of
ASAP Java wrapper files. To extract these files, from OSS enter: 
pax -r -f JavaWrap_Asapx.pax
. This will place the ASAP Java 
wrapper files into the directory containing the pax file, and 
will also create two subdirectories: /Docs, which contains 
documentation for the ASAP wrapper class, and /Test, 
which contains a sample test driver.

Link Description
JavaWrap.doc Java Native Interface - DOC
JavaWrap.pdf Java Native Interface - PDF
JavaWrap_Asapx.pax Pax archive of ASAPX wrappers
JavaWrap_Asap_Readme Pax archive readme file

Questions/comments - support
Lastmod: June 14, 2019