SPR - Softdoc T0402V03^AAM - G-series SPR - Softdoc T0402H03^AAN - H-series SOFTWARE RELEASE DOCUMENT Product Name: ASAP 3.1 SERVER SPR ID: T0402V03^AAM - G-series T0402H03^AAN - H-series DATE: 15OCT2008 Copyright Notice: HP RESTRICTED Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Protected as an unpublished work. The computer program listings, specifications and documentation herein are the property of Compaq Computer Corporation and successor entities such as Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P., or a third party supplier and shall not be reproduced, copied, disclosed, or used in whole or in part for any reason without the prior express written permission of Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Summary: ASAP 3.1 is a bug fix release that also includes changes to support NonStop Blades servers. For NonStop Blades servers the Disk entity has been changed to support storage Cluster I/O Module (CLIM) devices; the Process and ProcessBusy entities are changed to support process Affinity, IPU, and CBusy attributes; and the CPU entity is changed to support the number of IPU's for a logical CPU. The CLIM Interface Protocol (CIP) is now supported with a master CIP entity that contains 3 sub-entities: CIPCLIM to show statistics for CLIM devices; CIPMonitor for CIP Monitor processes; and CIPProvider for CIP Provider processes. Minor problems have also been corrected with the Comm, Disk, File, Process, Swap and TCP/IP entities. Refer to the problems corrected section for further information. T0402V03 for S-series/K-series processors is equivalent to T0402H03 for Integrity NonStop servers and NonStop Blades servers. [V03] ASAP 3.0 core server now includes TCP/IP subsystem monitoring. TCP/IP includes 19 TCP/IP and Telserv entities, and over 1000 new attributes. New SWAP entity provides in-depth virtual memory statistics allowing ASAP to set thresholds, alert, and take actions on KMSF statistics. New CPU memory statistics include swap, free, locked memory, etc, and allows thresholds, alerts, and actions to be taken on memory usage. ASAP can now host one or more real-time local/proxy websites. ASAP can optionally integrate with the HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM). New HTML entity-attribute grid-graph reports can be sent via website, email, or phone. ASAP Reports now support SIM level 1 integration. New notify control panel has 15 new notify content controls. New ASAP database structures support relative files to greatly reduce I/O overhead given large-record high-volume entities, such as the TCP/IP entity. ASAP 3.0 is now a licensed product. Run SYSINFO on each system to be licensed and E-mail the SYSINFO output for each system to License.Manager@HP.Com. Several minor problems have been fixed. The following SGP's have had corrections made to them: CPU, DISK, FILE, PROCESS, RDF, TAPE, SPOOLER, TCP, and TMF. Also there were corrections to custom events, goals, and the ASAP Monitor. Refer to the problems corrected section for further information. T0402V03 for S-series/K-series processors is equivalent to T0402H03 for Itanium Integrity NonStop servers. Superseded SPRs: NONE Requisite SPRs: (G-series NonStop Servers) T0346AAE RDF/IMP if using D42.00-D45.01 T0346AAU RDF/IMP if using D46.00/G06-G06.22 T6028AAT MEDIACOM/MEDIASRV See Note T6028G06^ABD MEDIACOM/MEDIASRV if using G06.11-G06.26 T6965D40^AAI SEEVIEW if using D42.00-G06.27 T9053AOD DP2 if using G06.11-G06.12 T9057AET EXPAND if using D42.00-D48.02 T9086ACE MEASURE if using D42.00-D43.01 T9117ABB EXPAND MGR if using D42.00-D48.02 T9117G06^ABK EXPAND MGR If using G06.00-G06.26 T6028AAT MEDIACOM/MEDIASRV if using D42.00-D48.01 or G06.00-G06.08 T6965 The function needed in T6965 is required only if you SET ACTION ON. Note: T0346: The function needed in T0346 is required only if you SET RDF ON. T6028: AAT if using D42.00-D48.01 or if using G06.00 to G06.08. ABC is using G06.11-G06.26 T6965: The function needed in T6965 is required if you SET ACTION ON. T9053: Fixes a problem introduced in G06.11 with the Dfreq queue counter. T9057: The function needed in T9057 is included in G06.00 onward. T9086: The function needed in T9086 is included in D43.02 onward and G06.00 onward. T6028: If using D42.00-D48.01 or G06.00-G06.08 Requisite SPRs: (H-series NonStop Servers) T6965H01^AAJ SEEVIEW T6965 The function needed in T6965 is required if you SET ACTION ON. Required Hardware: NonStop K-series servers NonStop S-series servers HP Integrity NonStop servers Required Firmware: NONE Required Software: (S-series NonStop servers) T0346A07^ABO RDF/IMP If using RDF T9050G06 NONSTOP KERNEL T9550G06 SOCKET LIBRARY T9552ACF TCP/IP FTP Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows ME, or Windows NT 4.0 or later. Microsoft TCP/IP stack and FTP client Required Software: (H-series NonStop servers) T0346H08 RDF/IMP T9050H01 NONSTOP KERNEL T9550H01 SOCKET LIBRARY T9552H01 TCP/IP FTP Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows ME, or Windows NT 4.0 or later. Microsoft TCP/IP stack and FTP client Manuals: 425263-005 ASAP Client Manual 429917-005 ASAP Messages Manual *522303-009 ASAP Server Manual 545871-001 ASAP QuickStart Manual * - indicates that the manual is new or its contents have changed in this SPR. Installation Considerations: Subsystem interruption required Installation Instructions: * When using DSM/SCM to install this SPR: - RECEIVE the SPR from disk or tape. - COPY the SPR to a new revision of the software configuration you want to update. - BUILD and APPLY the configuration revision. - Perform the pre-installation steps shown below. - Run ZPHIRNM to perform the RENAME step. - Perform the post-installation steps shown below. - Perform these pre-installation steps. 1. ASAP 3.0 and above are licensed product. Run SYSINFO on each system to be licensed and E-mail the SYSINFO output for each system to License.Manager@HP.Com. Please be sure to obtain and install the license files before attempting to install ASAP 3.0 or any subsequent release. Note this only has to be done once. If you have obtained license files for ASAP 3.0 or subsequent then you do not need to obtain license files for any future release unless the term for the original license has expired. 2. Ensure that requirements for using this product are met (see Section the Required Hardware and Required Software sections above). 3. Ensure that prerequisites for the installation utility and any product-specific installation requirements are met (see Section D Installation Prerequisites below). 4. Review the file USRGUIDE.PDF (in the subdirectory NSK_SW on this CD) containing the IPSetup User Guide, which provides instructions for using IPSetup, a utility provided on the CD that enables installation of Independent Products. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader (available on this CD) to read or print the IPSetup User Guide. 5. Decide whether you will use DSM/SCM to move files to Installation Subvolumes (ISVs) after files are placed on the workstation. Using DSM/SCM is optional, but is recommended when DSM/SCM is available. 6. If you are using the ASAP Extension make a copy of the file $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ASAPUSER. FUP - VOLUME $SYSTEM.SYSTEM - DUP ASAPUSER, ASAPSAVE.*, SAVEALL 7. If you are upgrading from ASAP 3.0 or an earlier release to ASAP 3.1 then this SPR includes EDL changes for several entities. All records in any old ASAP databases need to be saved prior to installing this version of ASAP. It is very important that you save the records using the old version of ASAP, then restore them using the new version of ASAP. Please follow these instructions to save your current ASAP databases. From the central ASAP collection node: TACL> ASAP +VOLUME $SYSTEM.ASAPSAVE +MONITOR/OUT ASAPOBEY/, OBEYFORM +RANK/OUT ASAPOBEY/, OBEYFORM +MONITOR/OUT ASAPOBEY/ \, OBEYFORM +RANK/OUT ASAPOBEY/ \,OBEYFORM (preceding commands must be done for each remote node) Once data from all nodes has been saved then shutdown ASAP and purge the ASAP objectives database on each node. The objectives database file location is set with the SET OBJECTIVESDB command, or it defaults to $SYSTEM.ZASAP.DBOBJ. 8. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of ASAP please read the following steps. If you have any ASAP3* files, save the ASAP CI and all EDL files. If you have archived data with the old version of ASAP that you would like to view later, you must save the following files: FUP - VOLUME $SYSTEM.SYSTEM - DUP ASAP, ASAPSAVE.*, SAVEALL - DUP ASAP3EDL, ASAPSAVE.*, SAVEALL - DUP ASAP3SYS, ASAPSAVE.*, SAVEALL - DUP ASAP3APP, ASAPSAVE.*, SAVEALL 9. Run IPSetup to place (move files from the CD to the workstation) and install (move NonStop Kernel files to correct ISVs) this product. If TCP/IP and FTP are unavailable, or if you have problems with automatic file placement, use the instructions in the IPSetup User Guide section "Manual Software Placement Using the IPSetup TACL Program" to manually place NonStop Kernel files. 10. Follow the post-installation instructions in Section B below, if any, after using IPSetup to place and install this product. - Perform these post-installation steps. 1. Invoke the INSTALL^TEMPLATES TACL macro to install this SPR's EMS template file(s) in the running system. The macro can be found in $.ZINSAIDS.TACLMACS or Support Note S92067B. For instructions, LOAD the macro and type: INSTALL^TEMPLATES /OUT / HELP 2. Run ASAP setup to update the ASAP subsystem with the following commands: a) VOLUME $.ZASAP b) OBEY INSTALL c) Perform "Full Install on this node" from the central ASAP database node. d) Perform "Remote Monitor Install" for any additional Licensed ASAP nodes that you wish to monitor. See Section 2 of the ASAP manual for detailed information regarding subsystem configuration. e) If you are using the same volume and subvolume location for the ASAP database files, you must delete the old database files before starting the new ASAP environment. FUP PURGE $..DB*! f) If you saved ASAP database records prior to the install then reload them now. From the same central node that you saved the data on please enter: ASAP + OBEY $SYSTEM.ASAPSAVE.ASAPOBEY 3. If you are using the ASAP Extension copy the duplicated file from the Pre-Installation instructions Step 1 back to $SYSTEM.SYSTEM. FUP - VOLUME $SYSTEM.ASAPSAVE - DUP ASAPUSER, SYSTEM.*, PURGE, SAVEALL 4. Start the new ASAP version. 5. When looking at ASAP data from earlier ASAP versions please be sure to use the old ASAP CI and EDL files saved to the $SYSTEM.ASAPSAVE subvolume if you performed the save step defined above 6. Please ignore the "Unknown ASAP config option" message from ASAP Extension if you are using an earlier version of ASAPX with ASAP 3.1. The message does not affect the operation of ASAPX. New Features: 1. [V03^AAM] The CLIM Interface Protocol (CIP) entity and its sub-entities have been added to better support NonStop Blades Servers. (No SOLN) 2. [V03^AAM] Several Blades-specific attributes have been added to the CPU, PROCESS and PROCESSBUSY entities to better support NonStop Blades servers. These include process Affinity, IPU number, CBusy and the count of IPUs. (No SOLN) 3. [V03] RDF domain name parsing and support has been strengthened, so that MONITOR commands cannot be issued against RDF subdomains. (SOLN 10-061219-1264) 4. [V03] The ASAP server now requires a license per node in order for ASAP to run. To obtain a valid license, run SYSINFO on each system to be licensed and E-mail the SYSINFO output along with the type of license and number of CPUs to license.manager@hp.com. (No SOLN) 5. [V03] ASAP TCPIP is now included in the ASAP core products T0402V03 and T0402H03. TCP/IP supports v4, v6 in all modes, ICMP, IP, Process, QIO, RTE and UDP, ARP, IGMP, LOOP, MONGQ, SOCK ICMP6, IP6, SubNet, Route and Port stats. Support for TELSERV process, Service and Window stats are also included in ASAP core products. This results in 19 new TCP/IP and TELSERV entities and more than 1000 attributes. (No SOLN) 6. [V03] Virtual memory (Swap SGP) support has been added. ASAP 3.0 Reports on virtual memory (KMSF) per processor and monitors and reports on all the configured swap files for each CPU. A total of 49 SWAP attributes are now provided in ASAP 3.0. Some of the statistics maintained by the Swap SGP are percent full for all configured swap files, percent full for each individual swap file, reserved memory which is the total virtual memory allocated for the CPU. The Swap SGP also displays the amount of virtual memory allocated for each swap file. See the ASAP Server manual for all of Swap SGP statistics and threshold support, or mouse over the SWAP entity attributes in ASAP client for an explanation of each SWAP attribute. (No SOLN) 7. [V03] CPU memory statistics have been added. New attributes include memory size, swappable memory, free memory, locked memory, maximum locked memory, and highest locked memory. (No SOLN) 8. [V03] ASAP can now host real-time local/proxy websites and can now optionally integrate with Systems Insight Manager. New reporting capabilities are highly customizable, eg there are 15 new notify content controls and checkboxes for setting up ASAP's reporting. New HTML entity attribute grid and graph reports that can also send notifications to ASAP users about the overall state of objects. Reports can be sent via Email, wireless phones, or customer websites. Reports can also be integrated with HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM). Refer to the ASAP Client Manual for further detail. (No SOLN) 9. [V03] New HTML entity attribute grid and graph reports that can notify ASAP users about the overall state of their NonStop servers. Reports can be sent to Email addresses, or wireless phones, or to a customers websites. Reports can also be integrated with HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM). (No SOLN) 10. [V03] ASAP database performance can be greatly improved in high-volume large-record environments. A new SET option allows you to configure the ASAP database to use a Relative database file. The new set option allows ASAP users to control which entity should be configured to use relation files. One possible indication that a relative file DB is needed is when the ASAP Log has a high volume of missed sample log records. To achieve higher ASAP database performance the user simply configures an ASAP collector to create a Relative file by using the new SET PARTITION option. (No SOLN) 11. [V03] The count of unique batch jobs has been added to the Spooler SGP. A new attribute, UBatch, counts the number of unique batch jobs in a Spooler subsystem. (SOLN 10-061201-0829) Problems Corrected: 1. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: The ASAP Client Graph Object History function sometimes fails when issued against TCP or TELSERV objects or against any other entity where the database is defined as a type relative file, or an ASAP CI command using the TIME option sometimes fails against an entity where the database is defined as a type relative file. CONDITIONS: When a previous Graph Object History command was issued at least one hour prior to the issuance of the new command, or where a previous database command using the TIME option was issued from an ASAP CI session at least one hour prior to the issuance of the new command. LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-090121-8554) 2. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: Comm SGP could create a saveabend file due to an arithmetic overflow. CONDITIONS: Measure counter Read^Busy^Time overflows. LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely (SOLN 10-090116-8474) 3. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: Goal set on TCP UDP BadHdrLen attribute does not work correctly. CONDITIONS: When a goal is set on BadHdrLen. LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-090112-8349) 4. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: ARP abbreviation for TCPARP entity does not work in ASAP CI commands. CONDITIONS: In all cases when trying to abbreviate "TCPARP" with "ARP". LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-081223-8136) 5. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: Errors in the TCP ICMP and ICMP6 entities where XSum and InPackTooBig did not support goals correctly and some ICMP6 data was shown as ICMP data. CONDITIONS: When setting goals on the ICMP XSum attribute or when using TCP/IP v6 and viewing the ICMP6 entity. LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-081223-8131) 6. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: Cannot display specific APP domains. CONDITIONS: When the APP database is defined as a TYPE RELATIVE file. LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-081206-7785) 7. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: Intermittent save abend files created for the ASAP process $ZOOK. CONDITIONS: Can occur when $ZOOK looses communication the Expand manager process $ZEXP. LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-090113-8370) 8. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: ASAP monitor generating false 1031 messages intermittently. CONDITIONS: When the Action server $ZOOX is busy. LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-090113-5045) 9. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: CPU statistics Pgs%, Pcb%, Pcbx%, TLE%, Seg% and Map values were not displayed correctly. CONDITIONS: When using the ASAP CI commands: CPU, DETAIL CPU, RAW CPU, RAW, TAB, STATE, MB LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-090113-5013) 10. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: Error 1028 Invalid Sys.Sysname received. When a Monitor System \, ADD is performed from the ASAP CI. CONDITIONS: Monitor System entity from the ASAP CI. LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely (SOLN 10-090105-8189) 11. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: SET PARTITION TYPE or SET PARTITION REFRESH are applied to DEFAULT (all entities) instead of the entity specified. CONDITIONS: When attempting to create specific RELATIVE files for an entity. LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-081125-7540) 12. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: The Process entity did not round to the closest decimal point for several attributes in all prior versions of ASAP, resulting in values that weren't as accurate as they could be when very small values were produced. CONDITIONS: When utilization values were less than 1%. LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-081010-6478) 13. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: Could not use the MONITOR command to monitor specific TELSERV processes, services or windows. CONDITIONS: When attempting to monitor specific TELSERV objects. LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-081117-7323) 14. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: The Comm SGP could report error 4744 device inaccessible messages when there is a large number of monitored communication objects. CONDITIONS: When there are a large number of X25 objects being monitored. LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-081125-7545) 15. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: False EMS alerts "CPU Switch" or "Path switch" against DISK objects could occur under high system load. CONDITIONS: When the DP2 disk process is busy. LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-081030-6942) 16. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: Disk volume names are truncated for Disk < disk>, Samples command. CONDITIONS: When volumes named have similar names prefixes: $Data1, $Data11, $Data15. LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-080814-5200) 17. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: The Disk SGP could report error 1744 Disk device inaccessible errors. CONDITIONS: When a disk device is primaried to the -B and -MB paths. LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-080723-4728) 18. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: The Disk SGP could abend on J06.02. CONDITIONS: When disk devices on storage CLIM are being monitored by the Disk SGP. LIKELIHOOD: Certain (SOLN 10-080709-4398) 19. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: Swap SGP is not reporting on stopped swap files or when a CPU is down. CONDITIONS: When a monitored CPU is down on the node. LIKELIHOOD: Certain (SOLN 10-080708-4391) 20. [V03^AAM] SYMPTOMS: ASAP Swap SGP may generate "unknown stat^sum^requests" in the ASAPLOG file when more than 5 CPU's are configured on the node. CONDITIONS: When 5 or more processors exist on the node. LIKELIHOOD: Likely (SOLN 10-080708-4390) 21. [V03] SYMPTOMS: Comm SGP not always setting correct state for the attributes that the user had set goals against. CONDITIONS: Goal comm, requests > 0 commit LIKELIHOOD: Likely. (SOLN 10-080410-2289) 22. [V03] SYMPTOMS: Expand SGP abends when the MONITOR EXPAND,LIST command is entered from the ASAP CI. CONDITIONS: The ASAP command Monitor Expand, list is entered. LIKELIHOOD: Likely. (SOLN 10-080405-2151) 23. [V03] SYMPTOMS: Disk SGP could abend when volumes are deleted from the configuration. CONDITIONS: When a large number of disk volumes are deleted from the nodes configuration. LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely. (SOLN 10-071211-9389) 24. [V03] SYMPTOMS: Cannot start ASAP collector if the system is a different node than the system where ASAP collector is to be started. CONDITIONS: ASAP database name is not resolved correctly when defaults are fully qualified and the node number is greater than 96. LIKELIHOOD: Likely. (SOLN 10-070122-4463) 25. [V03] SYMPTOMS: False CPU alert notifications being sent and displayed by the ASAP Client. CONDITIONS: When the monitor sends a request to an SGP and the request times out. The timeout occurs because a CPU SGP is busy. 15:51 \FIELD ASAP ERR Send to SGP $AAA error: 40 LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely. (SOLN 10-070927-7807) 26. [V03] SYMPTOMS: ASAP monitor not allowing sufficient time for SGP's to shutdown. SGP processes may be running after the monitor shuts down. CONDITIONS: When an SGP is busy the ASAP monitor does not allow sufficient time for the SGP to shutdown. LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely. (SOLN 10-080405-2152) 27. [V03] SYMPTOMS: Disk Error 3402 generated when volume is configured for different groups. CONDITIONS: $VOL-P configured group 1 $VOL-M configured group 2. LIKELIHOOD: Likely. (SOLN 10-070626-5827) 28. [V03] SYMPTOMS: Running in a mixed ASAP version down rev CPU records could have incorrect values for Chits and discs. CONDITIONS: ASAP 2.7 CPU SGP sending records to an ASAP 2.8 collector or later collector. LIKELIHOOD: Likely. (SOLN 10-070927-7807) 29. [V03] SYMPTOMS: ASAP could stop a process not started by ASAP after issuing the shutdown command. CONDITIONS: When the ASAP ID is $ZOO and there is a process by the name of $ZOO8 the CPU SGP $ZOO8 fails to start in CPU 8. During shutdown ASAP could stop the process $zoo8 if the permissions were correct. LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely. (SOLN 10-080405-2153) 30. [V03] SYMPTOMS: Disk SGP reporting error 3402 when using -B path. CONDITIONS: Disk drive is using the -B path and using the Y Fabric. LIKELIHOOD: Likely. (SOLN 10-070626-5827) 31. [V03] SYMPTOMS: Multiple records could be displayed for the same disk volume when an object was running and then deleted. CONDITIONS: Disk objects auto-discovered are deleted from the nodes configuration. LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely. (SOLN 10-071211-9389) 32. [V03] SYMPTOMS: TMF mounts show as a warning in ASAP Client after they have been removed. CONDITIONS: When SHOW REMOVED OBJECTS is set on in ASAP Client. LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely. (SOLN 10-080226-0821) 33. [V03] SYMPTOMS: TMF Mounttime UP events are not generated when a mount is rejected. CONDITIONS: When a tape mount is rejected. LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely. (SOLN 10-071218-9539) 34. [V03] SYMPTOMS: Monitoring processes by their object filename is too resource consumptive. CONDITIONS: When monitoring many processes using their object filename. LIKELIHOOD: Likely. (SOLN 10-070717-6304) 35. [V03] SYMPTOMS: TCP SGP consumes too much virtual memory. CONDITIONS: When TCP max domains settings are too high. LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely. (SOLN 10-070703-5998) 36. [V03] SYMPTOMS: Some forms of TCP sub-entity names and/or abbreviations cause ASAP CI to abend. CONDITIONS: When exotic TCP commands are entered. LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely. (SOLN 10-070624-5781) 37. [V03] SYMPTOMS: Goals could be applied incorrectly to TCP ICMP, IP, QIO, RTE and UDP entity domains. CONDITIONS: When goals are defined against TCP stack sub-entities. LIKELIHOOD: Likely. (SOLN 10-070619-5686) 38. [V03] SYMPTOMS: GOAL/RANK SERVICE , LIST commands could fail when issued from ASAP Client. CONDITIONS: When Service names were too long. LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely. (SOLN 10-070615-5597) 39. [V03] SYMPTOMS: Updater UP events are not always generated for the RDF entity. CONDITIONS: When RDF uses an old version of the ASAP infrastructure SGP_RANKVALUE_ procedure. LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely. (SOLN 10-070605-5272) 40. [V03] SYMPTOMS: ASAPFIL, ASAPPRO and ASAPTCP SGPs can abend if MaxDomains is exceeded. CONDITIONS: When more then the maximum number of domains are found. LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely. (SOLN 10-070507-4628) 41. [V03] SYMPTOMS: Custom event numbers are not generated when used with CPU entity domains. CONDITIONS: When custom event numbers are defined for CPU objectives on subdomains. LIKELIHOOD: Likely. (SOLN 10-070420-4291) 42. [V03] SYMPTOMS: Custom event numbers are not generated when used with TMF entity domains. CONDITIONS: When custom event numbers are defined for TMF objectives on subdomains LIKELIHOOD: Likely. (SOLN 10-070420-4290) 43. [V03] SYMPTOMS: Objectives (goals) could mistakenly be applied to the wrong domain. CONDITIONS: When a domain matched the objective domain name for the length of the objective domain name. LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely. (SOLN 10-070323-3526) 44. [V03] SYMPTOMS: File SGP gives error message 'NoFile' when a large fileset is added to ASAP and when files are continuously deleted from the fileset. CONDITIONS: When files are deleted after the name is resolved by ASAP but before ASAP has gathered stats on the file. LIKELIHOOD: Unlikely. (SOLN 10-070319-3363) Known Problems Remaining: NONE